3-4 June, 2025
Bengaluru, India
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Wednesday, June 4

11:15am IST

Scaling OpenSearch at Uber: Operating Resilient, Fault-Tolerant, High-Performance Clusters at Scale - Anurag Rai & Smit Patel, Uber
Wednesday June 4, 2025 11:15am - 11:55am IST
In this talk, we’ll share Uber’s journey in scaling OpenSearch to handle large scale data across 100+ clusters while ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, performance and zero-downtime upgrades. We’ll dive deep into our strategies for overcoming regional and zonal failures, observability and fleet-upgrade strategy with zero-downtime, at scale. Attendees will learn about our approaches to sharding, indexing, and data distribution that enables resilience across a global infrastructure. Additionally, we’ll cover key best practices for managing OpenSearch clusters at Uber’s scale, ensuring reliability, and achieving cost-efficiency.
avatar for Anurag Rai

Anurag Rai

Senior Software Engineer, Uber
Anurag is a Senior software engineer at Uber, working in the Search platform team. He is currently working on platformizing OpenSearch for all search workloads within Uber, focusing on reliability, speed, and efficiency in serving millions of users globally.
avatar for Smit Patel

Smit Patel

Senior Software Engineer, Uber
Currently working at Uber in Search Platform team and have been working as a software engineer for about 6 years and have experience in building backend solutions at scale.
Wednesday June 4, 2025 11:15am - 11:55am IST

12:00pm IST

Data Protection W/ Sub-minutely Backups at Petabyte Scale - Bukhtawar Khan & Sachin Kale, Amazon
Wednesday June 4, 2025 12:00pm - 12:40pm IST
Learn the story of OpenSearch, and how we evolved the OpenSearch snapshot process to support sub-minutely granularity at Petabyte scale without sacrificing on cost-effectiveness, performance and availability. We'll share our journey of establishing core principles and breaking down complex challenges into manageable deliverables.

We will start by talking about how snapshots work in the OpenSearch world. We will cover some of the key design decisions that helped us to allow backward compatibility with existing snapshots, without major overhaul of the system. We will walk through our open-source first journey, illuminating common pitfalls and lessons learnt in scaling, correctness and performance, which helped shape the eventual solution.
We will lastly cover step by step as to how users can get started on enabling the new sub-minutely snapshot mechanism for their workload to achieve high data protection for their use cases
avatar for Bukhtawar Khan

Bukhtawar Khan

Principal Engineer, Amazon
Bukhtawar Khan is a Principal Engineer working on Amazon OpenSearch Service. He is interested in building distributed and autonomous systems. He is a maintainer and an active contributor to OpenSearch.
avatar for Sachin Kale

Sachin Kale

Senior Software Engineer, Amazon
Sachin is a Senior Engineer with Amazon OpenSearch Service. He has 12+ years of experience working on various distributed systems and building search solutions using Apache Solr and OpenSearch. He is a big fan of functional programming paradigm and keeps building on the side in C... Read More →
Wednesday June 4, 2025 12:00pm - 12:40pm IST

2:25pm IST

OpenSearch’s Quest for Disaggregated Storage: The Strangler Fig Pattern in Practice - Sachin Kale & Bukhtawar Khan, Amazon
Wednesday June 4, 2025 2:25pm - 3:05pm IST
Learn the story of AWS OpenSearch Service, and how we evolved the OpenSearch engine to offer high durability at Petabyte scale without sacrificing on performance. We’ll share our journey of establishing core principles and breaking down complex challenges into manageable deliverables. We will cover some of the key design decisions that helped us to allow new and prevalent software engines to co-exist, without major overhaul of the system. We will walk through our open-source first journey, illuminating common pitfalls and lessons learnt in scaling, correctness and performance, which helped shape the eventual solution. Finally, we’ll reveal how we revolutionised our periodic data backup strategy, transforming a process that handles half a million partitions into one that completes in mere seconds—enabling granular, minute-by-minute backups.

Key Take-aways
- Define your tenets
- Don’t try building an ideal system
- Don’t re-invent the wheel
- Why high judgement calls matters
- Invent to simplify
avatar for Sachin Kale

Sachin Kale

Senior Software Engineer, Amazon
Sachin is a Senior Engineer with Amazon OpenSearch Service. He has 12+ years of experience working on various distributed systems and building search solutions using Apache Solr and OpenSearch. He is a big fan of functional programming paradigm and keeps building on the side in C... Read More →
avatar for Bukhtawar Khan

Bukhtawar Khan

Principal Engineer, Amazon
Bukhtawar Khan is a Principal Engineer working on Amazon OpenSearch Service. He is interested in building distributed and autonomous systems. He is a maintainer and an active contributor to OpenSearch.
Wednesday June 4, 2025 2:25pm - 3:05pm IST
Grand Ballroom 1

3:20pm IST

Platformizing OpenSearch at Uber - Anand Kotriwal & Aparajita Pandey, Uber
Wednesday June 4, 2025 3:20pm - 4:00pm IST
At Uber, OpenSearch is a core component of our search infrastructure. We manage ~100 clusters across several thousands of nodes. We platformized OpenSearch to ensure scalability and reliability for Uber’s search needs.

This talk covers:

Automated Build & Deployment: Uber maintains a custom OpenSearch fork with performance optimizations, scalability improvements, and bug fixes. We’ll discuss our build and release pipelines for deploying OpenSearch at scale.

Batch & Streaming Ingestion: We built batch ingestion using Spark and OpenSearch-Hadoop and real-time streaming with Kafka/Flink, scaling to ingest a billion vectors in X hours.

Elasticsearch to OpenSearch Migration: Insights into compatibility challenges, query performance tuning, and scaling ingestion throughput.

Security: Implementing fine-grained authentication and authorization for multi-tenant OpenSearch clusters.

Community Contributions: How we contribute optimizations, bug fixes, and features upstream to improve OpenSearch for everyone.
avatar for Anand Kotriwal

Anand Kotriwal

Senior Software Engineer, Uber
Senior Software Engineer @Uber. Working on building and optimizing Search at scale for Uber.
avatar for Aparajita Pandey

Aparajita Pandey

Senior Software Engineer at Uber, Uber
Software Developer in Uber’s Search Platform Team .My work at Uber focuses on enhancing search experience for users
Wednesday June 4, 2025 3:20pm - 4:00pm IST

4:05pm IST

Scaling OpenSearch for Multi-Tenant Architectures: Lessons From Large-Scale Deployments - Pulkit Midha, Unity Technologies
Wednesday June 4, 2025 4:05pm - 4:45pm IST
Operating OpenSearch in multi-tenant environments presents challenges in performance, security, and data isolation. This session explores best practices for optimizing OpenSearch for high-scale, multi-tenant architectures, covering index sharding, access control, and query performance tuning. Attendees will gain insights from real-world deployments and learn how to ensure cost efficiency and high availability in OpenSearch clusters.
avatar for Pulkit Midha

Pulkit Midha

Advisory Panelist at Unity Technologies, Unity Technologies
GSoC'21 @Mediapipe | AR/VR | Game Dev | Unity Student Ambassador | 15+ Hackathon wins | 4M+ views over internet | Loves Open Source
Wednesday June 4, 2025 4:05pm - 4:45pm IST
Grand Ballroom 1
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